EMAD Consulting EMAD Consulting EMAD Consulting

About the EMAD Consulting group

Ebrahim EMAD


Welcome to the website of the "EMAD Consulting" Group!

More simply, richer and mostly transparent, we hope that it will bring you all the information you need, for the Sustainable Legal, Economic, Cultural, Social, Administrative & Executive Development whether you are legal or physical scientific and professional persons.

For that, we imagined a site organized around 6 spaces :

  1. Your EMAD Consulting, where, everyone will be able to find all the information concerning the new visions of the founder on the Sustainable Development, its sectoral practices, the proximity of a network of experts and specialists, our charter and ...
  2. Our services, scientific and professional accompaniement in the various fields , and the studies, audits & expertises based on the operational institution of a service, a function or a company and the restructuring of all securities and procedures contributing to the control of the company and the issuing of an opinion and a diagnosis, as well as the Provision of services on both the national and international levels.
  3. Our sectoral practices, to make your views listen, inform, help and put you in contact with the experts, decision-makers and managers from different sectors, business sizes and backgrounds of yours.
  4. Our national & international partners, whether you are a legal entity or a natural person, EMAD Consulting and its national and international partners can propose the conferences, training courses, scientific and professional accompaniments, studies, audits and expertise, as well as offering services tailored to your needs on both the national and international levels.
  5. Practical advices, for participate actively in the defense of professional interests, get out of your isolation, share your experiences with other decision makers, be better informed, benefit from the support of the "EMAD Consulting" group and its scientific and professional network.
  6. Contact, a space that will put you in contact with the founder, the national and international experts of various sectoral practices within the "EMAD Consulting" Group for your offers and needs .

So, whatever the reason of your coming on our site, we wish you good navigation.

EMAD Consulting
EMAD  vouloir, pouvoir, Savoir
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